Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where do you play?

At 22 months my grandson is quite active, so I'm always looking for new places to play. The malls all have a quick get out of the rain substitute, but not really enough entertainment as he expands his ability to climb and move. I love the Kirkwood park off of Adams, great variety of equipment. Blackburn Park in Webster Groves is also fun. Have just been told about upper Buder Park which is supposed to be good. If you have a suggestion, please let us know. There is a train store in Valley Park that allows children to play with the models in a room. I will check it out and report. Also heard that Monkey Joes is fun indoor activity, $5.00. At this stage he is happy with a walk down the block or just playing in the yard.
An important observation can be made about how necessary physical activity is for children. Perhaps, as a grandparent, I instill the desire to daily take a walk or just go out and play, my little guy will feel that desire as an adult and set up his own healthy regime for physical outdoor activity. I am always mindful that we are creating footprints for our grandbabies to walk in!